Friday, January 7, 2011

End of Chapter I

For anyone who read yesterdays Note, the main thing I hope you learned about this blog was that “I didn’t really think it through.” Now please take out a #2 pencil. It’s time for a pop quiz:

1) So just what is this Daily Notes thing?

a) A journal
b) A creative writing exercise
c) A penance
d) A secret diary
e) Other

Please, no cheating ...and Alana, no gum in class!


Answer Key:

Since (to my amazement) a few people are actually reading this, I’ve decided to  eliminate d. A secret diary. (ohhh, readership just dropped by 62%)

What I hope this blog will be is: e) A way to spend at least a few minutes each day actually “thinking.”  Thinking, instead of just absorbing the constant input of 24/7 television, radio, and computer media. Thinking instead of just responding to the constant demands of everyday life. Thinking just to think …and then writing it down, to make sure I actually did it, instead of just thought about it.

If you said e) give yourself a gold star!


  1. Why's everybody always pickin' on me?

    Seriously now, I love your reason behind the NOTES. Thinking and then documenting our thoughts can be really productive, fun, eye opening and oftentimes cathartic.


  2. I picked all of the above...even though it wasn't a choice. Does that mean I get sent to
    "time out"?
