Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Ground Rules

Okay, now that I’ve set out to write something, and photograph something everyday for an entire year, it’s time to establish some ground rules. I didn’t think I’d need ground rules for two reasons. First, I didn’t really think it through, and second, I didn’t really think it through. That’s just the way most New Year’s resolutions go with me, which is why I usually have three hundred and sixty-four days (give or take a day or two) to admit defeat and plan my possible resolution(s) for the following year. I know what you’re thinking ..  364 days, that should be plenty of time to “think it through.”  Well not so fast there Hot Shot …you’re forgetting about the hour I lose when daylight savings time kicks in. No, it doesn’t matter that you get it back later. Once you’re behind, it throws you off.

Anyway, now that I’m on day number six of this thing, which means I’ve blazed a five day trail into uncharted territory, I can see that I’ve got about a fifty-fifty chance of actually making it to the end of the week, so …ground rules:

Yeah, yeah snap a photo, write something, We got that, but what about rule number three?

Well rule #3, section 4, subsection b, addendum 2, clearly states that: “properly dated photographs may be held in a camera, and properly dated notes, paragraphs, sentences, or otherwise arranged words may be held in a notepad, on a napkin, hunk of driftwood, or other suitable parchment substitute until such time as it is convenient for the photographer/author to transfer the aforementioned materials to a computer and upload them to their respective blog pages as defined in Rule#3, section 1, paragraph 1.

Okay, got that? The actual time that a post is made may not coincide with the actual date of the post (‘cause I might be on vacation, or having a power outage or something.)

Alright, now that that’s clear to everyone, I need to buckle down and write something for today …Ahhh, forget it! I think I’ll just skip today.
I mean I make the rules, I can break the rules …Right?

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work. You're doing great! AND don't feel bad. I wrote something brilliant on a piece of toilet paper and used the toilet paper by mistake. My clever prose is now in the vanLare sewage treatment plant. Which is where some people think it should be.
