Thursday, February 10, 2011

Almost Midnight

The day’s gotten away from me and I haven't written anything yet, so I’ll be quick, and just tell you a bad joke I thought up earlier today after hearing one of those Viagra type ads with the four hour erection warning:

They call it priapism, but wouldn’t it be easier just to call it a hard attack?

Now it's even closer to midnight and unfortunately I have to add this edit: I just googled "hard attack" to make sure the joke was original and found the term already listed in the "urban dictionary." Damn, my first day as a joke writer and I've already been fired (Maybe I should change the name of this post to “Shortest Career Ever.”)

1 comment:

  1. What's even more amusing about this is they used to call (or may still do) hard attack, salami. There are a couple of different kinds of salami. You can always do a "salamie joke", Randy.
