The day’s gotten away from me and I haven't written anything yet, so I’ll be quick, and just tell you a bad joke I thought up earlier today after hearing one of those Viagra type ads with the four hour erection warning:
They call it priapism, but wouldn’t it be easier just to call it a hard attack?
Now it's even closer to midnight and unfortunately I have to add this edit: I just googled "hard attack" to make sure the joke was original and found the term already listed in the "urban dictionary." Damn, my first day as a joke writer and I've already been fired (Maybe I should change the name of this post to “Shortest Career Ever.”)
Now it's even closer to midnight and unfortunately I have to add this edit: I just googled "hard attack" to make sure the joke was original and found the term already listed in the "urban dictionary." Damn, my first day as a joke writer and I've already been fired (Maybe I should change the name of this post to “Shortest Career Ever.”)
What's even more amusing about this is they used to call (or may still do) hard attack, salami. There are a couple of different kinds of salami. You can always do a "salamie joke", Randy.