Monday, February 28, 2011

Wholly ¢®@℗!

If you read yesterday’s note you might think I’m a little sour on this whole “rich getting richer – poor getting poorer” thing. Well maybe you’re right. Maybe these fat cats aren’t doing as well as I think. I mean before I go shootin’ my mouth off here about tens of millions of dollars a year I should probably get my facts straight. Okay let’s open up the old web browser and Google up some facts: h-e-d-g-e—f-u-n-d—m-a-n-a-g-e-r—s-a-l-e-r-y …click ENTER …Wholly crap! Wholly crap! …$5 billion?

Okay, now I’m more sour than before. I’m going over to the Notebook to write this one down. If you want to follow along just click on "The Notebook of R.J. Moody" link up there to your right and find the Feburary 28th entry to see who made $5 billion dollars last year. Wholly crap!


  1. That's why I love my cat and my horses. They don't care if I have $5 billion, $5 million, $5 dollars, or $5 cents. They loves me no matter what.

  2. Same here Pam. as long as I have canned catfood and hay, I'm King of the compound... er, I at least until the wife gets home;)
