Sunday, February 6, 2011

Numero XLV

I’m really trying hard get swept up in all the hype for tomorrow’s big Super Bowl game, but it’s just not happening this year. I’m not sure exactly why. I know I’m supposed to be excited. After all it’s Super Bow XLV, and of all the possible combinations of X’s and V’s, and L’s, and I’s and such, this is the first and last XLV we’re ever going to see. That alone should be reason enough to go make a dip or something. I mean what am I waiting for? …Super Bowl C to roll around?

Well, I guess I’ll go sleep on it. Maybe I’ll feel different in the morning. I have an avocado in the kitchen just in case, and I don’t usually drink beer on a Sunday, but who knows, once all that testosterone starts flowin’ on the big screen, maybe I’ll pop a top and become a Green Bay fan again.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot my prediction:  Packers 27 - Steelers 20


  1. Let's see now, my crystal ball tells me it's 31 for the Green Bay Packers, and 25 for the Pittsburgh score.

  2. HA! It's more like Pam the Procrastinator!
